
Booking Platform Startup Launching Game Changer to Revolutionize How College Students and Young Professionals Can Afford a Spotless Lifestyle 
Tuesday, August 21, 2018, 10:18 PM
Posted by Administrator
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College Cleaning Company is excited to announce the launch of the first ever cleaning booking platform designed for college students, occupants of student housing, and recent grads nationwide. The booking platform allows college students who reside off campus and young professionals to book cleaning services that are affordable and will enable them to have a spotless home that will give them a clean slate of mind to encourage productivity and let their home to be their sanctuary after a hectic day. Professional cleaners are freelance contractors who sign up their services on the platform to serve a new demographic of college students, recent grads, and young professionals.
College Cleaning Company is created by Delali Norvor, a college student with a disability. She struggled to keep her place clean and found most cleaning services to be too expensive. She says “I believe you can’t thrive academically, spiritually, and personally in a messy home that’s supposed to be your sanctuary.” To be affordable, the platform offers three packages: Semester Clean ($450 per semester), Monthly Clean ($125 per month), and Weekly Clean ($56 per week). The packages allow college students and young professionals to be able to afford cleaning services effortlessly. The customer gets to choose which days and times they want the cleaning associate to come every week to their place of residence to clean. The platform also offers other cleaning services such as Sneakers Clean, Party Cleanup, and Pack & Move Out.
How the platform works in 4 steps:
1. We will match you with a cleaning associate that is available. You will get notified when you are matched. The cleaning associate will receive your information and get ready to provide the service you requested.
2. The cleaning associate will show up to your place on your appointed date and time. It’s important for you to be present as he/she/they will need you to open your door for them.
3. After the cleaning associate cleans up your place and leave you in a harmonious sanctuary that you can thrive academically, spiritually, and personally in, you will notify us to let us know your place has been cleaned and you can rate us on how we did.
4. Feel free to design your schedule, so the cleaning associate can show up weekly until the end of the month or semester.
Delali Norvor makes history as the first person ever to create a freelance booking platform for cleaners to serve a new underserved demographic of college students, occupants of student housing, recent grads, and young professionals to be able to afford cleaning services. So they, too, can keep their home as a sanctuary to thrive in personally and spiritually. To learn more about the platform, visit CollegeCleaningCompany.Com!
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