
What is Just in Time Training? [Reference:] 
Monday, June 5, 2023, 09:01 AM
Posted by Administrator
You may have heard this term tossed around, but what does Just in Time Training really mean?

Just in Time Training (JITT) is a training methodology that provides employees with the most current and relevant information just in time for them to use it on the job. Rather than delivering all of the training at once, Just in Time Training breaks it down into manageable pieces delivered gradually as needed. By providing just the right amount of training at just the right time, you can help your employees stay productive and up-to-date on the latest changes in your industry.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your employee training, then consider using Just In Time Training.

Want to learn more? Keep reading!

Origins of Just in Time Training
It’s no secret that the world of manufacturing has been undergoing a lot of changes in recent years. One of the most significant changes has been the adoption of Just in Time approaches. This approach is all about minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency by ensuring that components are only produced or delivered when they are actually needed.
Interestingly, the origins of the Just in Time concept can be traced back to Toyota, one of the world’s leading car manufacturers. Toyota was the first to create a production system where parts arrived at their warehouse only when they were needed for distribution. This helped them to greatly reduce waste and increase efficiency.

Since then, the Just in Time concept has made its way to the Learning and Development (L&D) industry. L&D professionals are now adopting Just in Time approaches to create more efficient and effective training programs. Instead of developing entire courses upfront, they are creating smaller, more targeted learning modules that can be delivered just-in-time to meet the needs of learners. This helps to save time and resources while still ensuring that learners have access to the resources they need, when they need them.

Just in Time Training vs. Traditional Training Methods
In traditional training models, learners are typically introduced to new concepts well in advance of when they’ll need to use them. It usually involves them taking part in classroom-based sessions at set times, whether once a week, month or year. The problem with this approach is that by the time the training takes place, the information may no longer be relevant, or the employees may have forgotten what they learned previously. Ultimately, this leads to information overload and decreased retention rates.

Just in Time Training seeks to address these issues by only providing content when it’s needed, usually through a platform that is easily accessible such as a mobile device. For example, if you are going to be giving a presentation tomorrow, you might do some Just in Time Training by reading up on the topic tonight. This is a big contrast to more traditional training approaches that only occur at set times and often in a formal setting such as a classroom.

Additionally, unlike traditional training methods, which often involve teaching a large group of employees the same skills regardless of whether or not they will ever need to use them, Just in Time Training allows workers to receive targeted instruction that is relevant to their current roles.

This makes learning more relevant and impactful, as learners can conveniently insert it in their busy schedules and immediately apply new concepts to their work.

Just in Time Training as the Workplace’s Future
In today’s fast-paced world, people are always looking for ways to save time. We want everything to be faster, easier, and more convenient.

That’s why Just in Time Training has become so popular. As established, Just in Time Training is a type of training that is delivered as needed, rather than in a traditional classroom setting. This type of learning allows employees to get the training they need, when they need it. And with 57% of employees across all industries, including healthcare, now expecting learning to be delivered just in time, it’s clear that this is the way of the future.

So, what are you waiting for? Give Just in Time Training a try! Tine Health provides instant access to short videos on training, troubleshooting and maintenance for medical devices.

CertificationPoint provides great just-in-time experience and learning options for many different career path options. Find out more about how we can help in career goal attainment! ... elance.php
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