
How Employers Can Best Support Millennials and Gen Zs at Home and Work by BrightHorizons 
Saturday, November 25, 2023, 01:00 PM
Posted by Administrator

Employers need to know what Millennial and Gen Z workers (the largest workforce demographic) need to thrive on the job and at home. To get the answers, Bright Horizons Workforce Consulting surveyed a nationally representative sample of more than 1,000 Millennials and Gen Zs about their relationship to work, their career and life aspirations, and their desired workplace benefits. The survey findings are compiled in a must-read report for employers competing for this critical talent.

The report explores top concerns for the Millennial and Gen Z workforce including:

Where and how they work — They’ve been surprisingly loyal to employers, with 76% at the same employer as they were in March 2020.
Their daily stressors — They’re stressed about their careers, education, and caring for families including children, parents, and pets.
Paying for it all — They‘re looking for employers who provide support for the cost of continuing education, family care, and more.

Most importantly for employers, the report identifies opportunities to gain competitive advantage with Millennials and Gen Zs through flexible, personalized benefits that empower individuals to make their own choices and evolve with growing families and careers.

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