
How to Make Your Resume Stand Out in the Tech Industry 
Thursday, August 3, 2023, 06:14 AM
Posted by Administrator
The tech industry is booming, and with that comes new job opportunities. According to recent studies, the number of jobs in the tech industry is expected to grow by 17% by 2024. That is huge! If you’re looking for a career change, now is the time to consider a career in tech. A well-crafted resume is a key to landing any job, particularly in the tech industry. With so many qualified applicants, you need to make sure your resume stands out from the rest. We will discuss how to build a resume that will help you land your dream tech job.

1. List Your Tech Skills First

For any tech position, the hiring manager is looking for someone who knows their stuff. To show that you are tech-savvy, list all of your tech skills first on your resume. Include technical skills such as programming languages and soft skills such as excellent communication. Mentioning these skills first is a quick way for the hiring manager to see that you know what you are doing before they read your resume.

2. Use Keywords at the Beginning of Your Resume

Keywords are words and phrases that people often use when performing internet searches. Hiring managers will use keywords in job descriptions to find the perfect candidate for the job. By mirroring these words, if they are applicable, back to the employer in your resume, you will stand out among other candidates. The more matching keywords your resume contains, the more likely it is to be found when people are looking for someone with your skills.

3. Keep It Short and Sweet

Hiring managers receive many resumes daily, most of which end up in the trash without being read. Therefore, your resume needs to be concise and easy to read. Keep your resume under two pages long and focus on keywords and accomplishments. This ensures that it stands out and lessens the chance that it end up in the trash.

4. Include the Right Information Every Time

When creating a resume, try not to reinvent the wheel. Instead, use the same information for each job you apply for. This helps hiring managers to find your most recent experience without having to sift through a bunch of irrelevant information. Include the following:

Your name and contact information at the top
A professional profile that highlights your skills and accomplishments
The name of the company you are applying to
Last, the dates you worked there
5. Read the Job Description and Customize Your Resume

When writing your tech career resume, read through the job posting once more to ensure you include all the information they are looking for. Please have this information in your resume and tailor it to highlight why you are a great fit for the job. If you meet their requirements and demonstrated similar skills in your previous experience, mention how this is relevant to the new opportunity.

6. Add Professional Experience

If you don’t have much experience yet, include your school projects and any relevant volunteer work in your resume. Even if this is the only information you have on your resume, it shows that you possess skills and a mature attitude that will be useful when starting in the workforce. Also, add professional experience whenever you can. Most internships provide you with relevant work experience.

7. Add Certifications When Appropriate

If you are applying for a job that requires specific certifications, ensure they are on your resume. This demonstrates that you have the knowledge to do the job well.
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