
Communication Day to be held to Showcase Opportunities for Future A-State Students 
Thursday, January 4, 2024, 11:35 AM
Posted by Administrator
JONESBORO – With the goal of inspiring local high school students to become future students at Arkansas State University, the Department of Communication within the College of Liberal Arts and Communication will host a Communication Day from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 2.

This event is designed to showcase the wide array of majors, careers and employable skills future students can pursue with a degree in communication through A-State.

“Having students on campus and introduced to typical college activities such as dining with peers in the cafeteria, interacting with faculty, or attending a class allows students to envision themselves in the role of a college student,” said Dr. Jill Simons, associate dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Communication and interim department chair.

Simons said when students visit a college campus, there is a level of comfort that can be associated with being on that campus that can have an impact on students’ long-term goals.

Rachel Freeze, event coordinator for Communication Day and an instructor of strategic communication, said packets were sent out to administrators at area high schools to recruit students to take advantage of this opportunity.

“It is essential for A-State to offer events like this for high school students because it allows them to learn more about the university and what it has to offer. These events provide an opportunity for students to explore the campus, meet current students and faculty, and get a sense of the campus culture,” said Freeze.

“In addition to exposing area high school students to the many communication professions, we hope students have the added benefit of learning about A-State on this day,” Simons added.

In advance of the event, students can participate in a series of competitions. Categories include creating a visual mood board, where students are encouraged to introduce themselves in a way that showcases their knowledge of tools and software used in the field of communication.

In the “personal branding photoshoot” category, students must use three photos of themselves to tell their story, describing their personal brand.

The nature of communication is constantly evolving and in recognition of that, another competition that students can participate in is to create their own meme. Students must examine a popular meme and then recreate it for a brand of their choice.

Those who wish to participate in the Dennis White Speech Competition must submit a video introduction, no more than 90 seconds in length, to be considered for participation in the event on Communication Day. Those selected will be contacted by Tuesday, Jan. 30.

Students can participate in an argumentative essay contest, in which the student will choose a topic regarding a social issue and propose a solution.

Each of these contests has a deadline of Friday, Jan. 26. Participants can email their link or pdf to Freeze, To take part in the Dennis White Speech Competition, students must submit their videos online.

Freeze said she is looking forward to having students on campus for this event.

“I am most excited for students to have the chance to meet other students from different schools and backgrounds, as well as interact with university faculty and communication professionals. This aspect of the event is not just about building a network; it's about becoming part of a community that values and nurtures talents in communication,” she added.

Freeze said this event will allow students to meet new people and create a network of colleagues, mentors and future collaborators on their journey to a career in communication.
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