Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 10:29 PM
Posted by Administrator
As you may know our world is on lockdown trying to fight this global pandemic. Restaurants, Shops, Jobs, and most importantly schools have been closed to do their part. However this leaves millions of children and teens including me with new ways of accessing our education. Posted by Administrator
Our school introduced online sources such as Edgenuity, Google classroom, and Zoom so that we are able to still learn while keeping safe and healthy. Now your wondering how all of this is affecting me, well i have Trouble staying attentive at times which makes it really hard to focus which is why traditional schooling always worked for me. I had a teacher constantly keeping me busy and on task, but now i’m stuck at home having to do this all by myself and it is very difficult.
Although there are some upsides such as making my own schedule to adjust to my new life in quarantine. I can work ahead while also pacing my self. Though there are some flaws such as my AP exams, AICE exams and my Biomed exams are now altered and even cancelled. You must think I’m ecstatic but I am the complete opposite, most of these exams in my sophomore year are requirements for graduation and for some colleges, So it worries me.
Will they pardon these requirements due to this pandemic?
Will we ever return to school?
These questions and many more have been circling my mind since I’ve been in quarantine. Our world is facing something fierce, but with time and patience it will be resolved.
By Jalena Marin (10th Grade)