Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 08:44 AM
Posted by Administrator
Tweepler is a brand new application for Twitter users who are finding it difficult to sort through new followers and decide if they should follow back or not. The application offers an interface that divides your followers into ‘unprocessed followers’ and two sidebars that give you an overview of people you are following back and users you are ignoring.Posted by Administrator
When you first sign up, you register for an account using your Twitter credentials and Tweepler will automatically import users you are following and who are following you (this part is a little buggy). Once the import is finished, the latter group is thrown into the bucket of unprocessed followers along with bits of information which make it easier for you to decide if you should follow them back or not.
Tweepler will show a list of users along with their avatar and bio, which you can sort by newest follower or alphabetically by name or Twitter username (there’s also a decent search engine built in). If the person doesn’t protect his or her updates, you can view more details about the user, such as the average amount of tweets per day, total number of tweets so far, how many people the user is following and how many are following back as well as the last 3 messages. You can easily move users into your ‘Follow’ or ‘Ignore’ list by clicking arrows on either side of the middle column. You also have the option to follow or ignore the lot of them by clicking the bulk processing buttons.
Tweepler is definitely a time saver and an easier way of managing followers on Twitter than the currently available apps and, but it’s also something that you’ll likely use only once or twice, unless you’re really popular and gain dozens of new followers a day.
Tweepler was built by Jessy Ouellette (@JessyO) and Cory Schop (@coryschop), who believe they have a way of generating revenue from the application. Essentially they would give people the option of advertising their account so they’d show up on top of the interface and/or as a ’suggested follow’ and pay up per follower they gain through Tweepler.
As much as I like the application and the people who built it, I can’t imagine that this business model will work, and frankly I hope they’re not expecting too much from it.
But if you’re on Twitter, make sure you give it a spin and see if it’s a better way for you to manage your Twitter social graph (and follow @tweepler for updates).