
Staffing cuts likely coming in South Kitsap School District due to budget shortfall 
Wednesday, February 1, 2023, 01:32 PM
Posted by Administrator
Dropping enrollment and the evaporation of pandemic financial aid are main reasons why South Kitsap could be looking at a budget adjustment of close to $10 million.

South Kitsap School District is in the early stages of preparing for budget cuts that will likely see staffing levels decrease ahead of the 2023-24 academic year.

Dropping enrollment and the evaporation of pandemic financial aid are main reasons why South Kitsap could be looking at a budget adjustment of close to $10 million, according to assistant superintendent Monica Hunsaker, who briefed board directors and community members on SKSD's budget status during Wednesday's meeting at the district office in Port Orchard.

“We are going to have to stop doing some things because we are going to have less people," Hunsaker said.

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