
How to Create an XML Sitemap 
Friday, February 8, 2013, 02:01 PM
Posted by Administrator
A sitemap contains a list of all of the pages that are on a particular website. It is useful because you can submit the sitemap to search engines to let them know when you have added a new page instead of submitting your pages one by one. Sitemaps help search engine crawlers to index your site faster and crawl other pages of your website.

Here are step by step instructions on creating a sitemap:

1. Visit the XML Sitemaps website.

2. Enter your web address.

3. Copy (Ctrl+A) (Ctrl+C) the contents that are in the window which reads,

“XML Sitemap Content (XX pages):”

4. Open a text editor such as Word Pad or Note Pad and paste (Ctrl+V) the contents into a blank document.

5. Save the document into your web folder as sitemap.xml.

6. Upload the sitemap to your website.

That’s it, now you can submit your sitemap to Google , Yahoo or where ever you would like.

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