Saturday, September 8, 2018, 10:38 PM
Posted by Administrator
Before I begin....Here’s a quick shoutout of ‘thanks’ to my blog followers!Posted by Administrator
What is the worth of the everyday grind? Can a price tag be placed on this concept?
I was watching the news a few days noticed a brief story about Mr. Geoffrey Owens, former cast member of the Cosby Show, and how he was seen working at some type of convenience store. I didn’t get to see the complete news feature as I was headed out the door. I can recall thinking this is probably a lookalike trying to get attention. Later that day I saw the whole feature and took a step back mentally as to what’s his situation but I also was thinking who video taping this and the purpose. As I sat back and wondered why they thought that was their place to try and shame the guy I also saw how others started coming out the woodwork to his defense...which also gives a little insight as to their personalities as well. Well now Mr. Owens has a new gig and will most likely be back in front of the TV very soon...while the two shooting the video...where are media attention whatsoever. It’s interesting how that all worked out for the best especially when it was possibly meant for bad.
I believe there are thousands of stories like this that occur everyday...some have a quick turnaround while for others that turnaround time may take just that time. Back to my initial questions of what is the worth of the everyday grind and can a price tag be placed on it. I believe the worth can span from worthless to priceless. I believe the grind can carry more worth the closer it hits home to an individual. As far as a price tag? My answer is yes and it too can follow the same span whether it hits home to you or those close to you. I can say keep up the grind because you time will come...or it may manifest itself for you in your following generation.
This is the time of the year where athletes get their nod or acceptance into the Hall of Fame for their particular sport. For the NBA, it was Grant Hill, Jason Kidd, Steve Nash, etc. They do stories on each of the members and today I was fortunate to ready an article about Grant Hill and in the interview topic of what Jalen Rose said about Grant Hill being privileged and such came up again and Mr Hill shed a little more light on that as well as his background. Most don’t realize that the grind on his parents and his parents’ parents played an important role in where he is today. What I enjoy reading is that they set and maintained the bar for him. They ensured that along with their years of wisdom they made a point to let him know that his decisions could have him going in one direction...the other...or possibly somewhere in between. I also read a story on Jason Kidd and the opportunities he had to play against some really great players growing up...and I am sure there were times he wanted to quit but he kept up the grind...the fruits of his labor started to manifest itself when he played against players at his age level.
The grind does not only apply to your current occupation but to those that are in between occupations and may not be working...or trying to find a path back into your chosen career field. I believe this can be the toughest grind of all but in time a individual can get on a more familiar path. Keep grinding things will work out!
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