
Staying Vested In The Worth Of You 
Saturday, November 17, 2018, 01:35 PM
Posted by Administrator
#edutech #college #work #NFT #education #remotework #onlinelearning #stem #talent #diversity #highered #STEM #blog

Good Afternoon!
I’ll begin as usual by thanking the viewers of this blog. I’ve slowed down on the blog postings in an effort to achieve widest reach possible for each article. A blog can become overwhelming at times coming up with something of value on a daily or weekly basis to not only the blog author. The same holds true for blog readers who are seeking useful, fun, and interesting content.

Why the reason for the current title?
Well every so often I’ll scroll through my Facebook wall and notice all the different postings. Sometimes value and worth can be tied to a posting or hopes of receiving a response or reaction to a posting. I think it’s a mistake to tie value into the reactions and responses received from a post or to react or respond to a lot of posts. First, I believe in time you are building a catalog of who you are for social media sites and these sites always get the majority or the value. This allows for pinpoint advertising just for you and what you may be feeling a certain point in time...not only monetary advertising but hitch advertising. What I mean by hitch advertising is you may be responding to certain types of posts and hopes to make a social resource more addicting your wall may lead off, after login, with that type of post during time intervals when you may not use a social platform very much. That hitch may keep you on the social platform longer than you may have wanted to be. In a way a value or worth is being placed on you dependent upon your activity which could be both negative and positive. It’s important to stay vested in your true worth.

Every individual in the world has a level of genius all their own...of course we can be shaped by others around us but the genius that is each of us that is our own is still cultivated over time. It’s important that each of us stay on track and improve us will most likely improve others around us as well because of how interlinked we are as people. Social media has become a great way to stay connected we just have to understand the connections and the value each can bring.

Three ways to stay vested in our worth?
1. Understanding You - Determine what truly important in your life
2. Family first - ‘Can’ be some of your staunchest with builders
3. Develop awesome connections - Some connections are life long while some others can impart to you where those lifelong connections are.

Lastly, if you don’t stay vested in you...who else will. Also, if you’ve depended consistently on others to be vested in you...what will you do when that ends?

Thanks for taking time to read this post and hope that you have found this article useful.

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