
Where You Are Where You Are Going Where You Want To Be! 
Wednesday, December 26, 2018, 06:03 PM
Posted by Administrator
First I’d like to express a big thanks to the readers of this blog!

Looking back over the past year I’ve watched the tremendous growth of our student freelance population within the organization. The growth with respect to the number of participating members and member businesses is awesome, but the growth that is help my initial vision come true is the student growth in their educational path of choice in relation to career based opportunities within CertificationPoint. We have had students from several universities to share their experiences as well as how the site has really been of great benefit. Below are a couple of testimonials.

Carrie, Senior, Wyoming University
“I really didn’t know what to really expect after completing the registration. The hands-on course was awesome and having the opportunity to work with other students from other universities on a live project was awesome. I recently began working in the accounting field but will never forget the benefit of this experience. I know that I can always create my own way.”

Jarett, Sophomore, Sacramento State University
“Thanks CertificationPoint! I was able to jump right in to the student freelance projects for my region and earn pay for several projects completed. There were a couple projects where I had sone trouble but the excellent mentors helped me along.”

These testimonials as well as others constantly have shown me not only the overall benefit of CertificationPoint, but also how student members are progressing from one point in life to another successfully.

Where Are You?

Where Are You Going?

Where You Want To Be?

As 2018 comes to a close...we at CertificationPoint wish you all the best in your endeavors and continue to chase your dreams!

Take An Exam Today @ CertificationPoint

Note: If this article has helped, please feel free to share. If you'd like to participate and post an article, please send your submissions to

Check Out Our Video!
A Smarter Way To Collaborate:

We have a new Student Freelance course on the horizon!

Register with CertificationPoint!

Find Out More About Student Freelance - ... elance.php


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