Wednesday, September 13, 2023, 10:54 AM
Posted by Administrator
This article is part of a series on "Cross-cultural Relationships in the Workplace." It will provide useful information to increase your cultural awareness in the workplace and apply strategies to facilitate intercultural relationships.Posted by Administrator
In a study conducted by Pew Research Center, more than half of participants (64%) agreed that race and ethnicity diversity positively impact American culture (Horowitz, 2019). In the United States, workplaces are increasingly diverse. While there are, usually, more similarities than differences among employees, culture is often one of the differences.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines culture as "the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group." Therefore, cultural diversity can refer to people of different generations, religions, geographical origin, race, and ethnicity, to name a few. The literature describes culture using an iceberg model, where only the 'tip' is visible to the naked eye. The tip of the cultural iceberg is represented by the widely recognized aspects of culture, including language, appearance, behaviors, and customs. However, the larger, less visible portion of the cultural iceberg is not easy to recognize and is represented by more complex aspects, including beliefs, values, attitudes, ideals, norms, and world vision (Kühlmann & Heinz, 2017). Culture is taught from an early age, but cultural identity is something that is developed throughout life.
It is important to recognize diversity in cultural identity. This cultural diversity in the workplace would be significantly beneficial for an organization. Working in groups with people from different cultures helps to overcome cultural barriers due to opportunities for interaction and shared experiences (Al-Jenaibi, 2011). However, cultural diversity must be well managed at all organizational levels to help to reduce barriers, remove stereotypes, and address other factors that hinder the formation of intercultural working relationships.
Benefits of a culturally diverse workplace
The benefits of incorporating cultural diversity in organizations have been well documented in the literature (Thomas, 1990; Martin, 2014; Al-Jenaibi, 2011; Adler, 2002). These organizational benefits include:
improving recruitment and retention of culturally diverse staff
increased creativity, drive, and innovation expanding the organizational scope and improving the ability to captivate new customers
having more resources to solve problems
creating new work and management styles
developing new types of personal relationships
building support structures that better address diverse staff and customer needs.
Challenges associated with culturally diverse workplace
While there are many benefits associated with a culturally diverse workplace, there are particular challenges this environment presents. Katie Reynold, from Hult International Business School, identifies challenges associated with culturally diverse work environment:
negative stereotypes can interfere in the integration of multicultural teams,
professional communication can be misunderstood or misinterpreted across cultures and languages,
professional etiquette can vary across cultures, and
conflicting working styles across teams
Why do organizations need to improve cultural diversity?
Torsten M. Kühlmann and Ramona Heinz, authors of the book "Managing Cultural Diversity in Small and Medium-Sized Organizations," outlined several key factors that influence company approaches to improving cultural diversity
to reduce conflicts between workers and
to maximize teamwork ability
to maximize opportunities for extension and coverage to new clients or partners.
to fulfill a social responsibility
to respond to the lack of specialized professionals in certain areas, we seek to fill vacancies with people from other places.
Key drivers of successful cultural diversity management
Kühlmann & Heinz (2017) highlight the essential conceptions of cultural diversity management to success; these are summarized in the following six points:
Cultural diversity management is a change in the whole organization and its processes; thus, it needs a long-term approach.
Cultural diversity management is an ongoing process that needs constant monitoring, evaluation, and periodic adjustment.
Cultural diversity management must be led, promoted, supported, and promoted by top management leaders because of their crucial role in the organization.
In a cultural diversity management plan, to create a positive climate of diversity within the organization, the whole workforce must be incorporated.
Cultural diversity should not be seen and communicated as an obstacle but rather as an advantage.
Cultural diversity management must be focused on social integration and the creation of equal opportunities for all employees.
Strategies on how to manage cultural diversity in the work environment.
In their book, Torsten M. Kühlmann and Ramona Heinz (2017) suggest six steps to integrate cultural diversity management in an organization effectively.
Define objectives. Identify the reasons that have prompted you to address cultural diversity.
Specify responsibilities. Divide and specify the responsibilities in each of the project stages (management, planning, implementation, evaluation, and monitoring)
Analyze the organization's current situation. Identify the specific needs that exist among the workers and record the existing activities and progress.
Develop a strategy. Identify the areas where greater attention and management of cultural diversity are required and reasonable.
Implement the program plan. Inform all members within the organization of the reasons, objectives, and steps toward implementing specific measures.
Periodically evaluate and adjust the actions carried out. This step will allow you to make appropriate time and intensity modifications.
Take a test to see your skills to identify racial differences
Adler, N. J. (2002). International Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour, 4th Edition, McGill University, South-Western, Thomson Learning, pp.105-131.
Al-Jenaibi, B. (2011). The scope and impact of workplace diversity in the United Arab Emirates an initial study. Journal for Communication and Culture. 1(2), 49-81.
Horowitz (2019). Americans See Advantages and Challenges in Country's Growing Racial and Ethnic Diversity. Pew Research Center.
Kühlmann, T., & Heinz, R. (2017). Managing cultural diversity in small and medium-sized organizations. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Martin, G. C. (2014). The Effects of Cultural Diversity in The Workplace. Journal of Diversity Management (JDM), 9(2), 89-92.
Reynold, K. (2018). 13 benefits and challenges of cultural diversity in the workplace. Hult international business school.
Thomas, R. R. (1990). Beyond race and gender: Unleashing the power of your total workforce by managing diversity. New York: American Management Association.
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